Wednesday 27 February 2013

Photoshop Lesson's

Friday 1st February

Discovering Photoshop

The first lessons on Photoshop were all about discovering what we know and and what we need to learn in lesson's. In the lessons for the past two weeks we have been working on Adobe Photoshop CS6 creating our logo's, can labels, poster's, banner and Icon, by finding a variety of images linked to our drawing's so we can create them on the computer. We also learnt how to use a scanner which was linked to photoshop because we scanned out sketches and imported them on to our computers which allowed us to acess the images easier. 

Some of the tools I used were:

Magic Wand Tool Automatically selects the background of the picture so you can delete it which helps you to add it to
Crop Tool Allows you to edit the size of images so they fit into the page and blend well with other images.
Paint Tool Allows you to paint other things that are not the colour you want them to be and also you can create images free hand with this tool.

I think I used the software quite well but I think that I still need to improve my understanding of some of the software features. There were some tools that I was not comfortable with and I need to develop my use of these tools. I enjoyed using Photoshop because it is computer based and it allows you to develop your ideas to a professional standard and helps me to manipulate them into images instead of them just being sketches.