Monday 17 December 2012


Today i completed a survey about the course and then went on to improving my Guide to digital design and looked at all the notes/comments and PDF telling me what to do to improve my grade for this unit. Then i went on to updating my blog about todays progress.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Drink Logo Ideas

I made a powerpoint to help me get ideas of what i wanted to do for my drink logo, it included names for my product, mood boards and paragraphs about my ideas, then i moved on to create my logo ideas in my sketch book. I made 8 thumbnails, developed 3 and then created mt final one. Then i presented it to 3 memberes of the class and got their feedback.

Wednesday 24 October 2012


In this lesson i presented my powerpoint on image resolution,
It went well and people understood what i was trying to explain, i only had a little ammount of time to do my powerpoint so it was very short but i think it had enough information and examples to get my point across. In the future i will make sure i give myself enough time to complete the task to my full potential, and use more websites to get more information described in depth.

David Sharp